The newly released fourth record from Eric’s Bluesband, “I feel like crying”, gets nice reviews!
The songs were tracked live in the Omnivox studio during sa few crisp January 2019 days with later editing, mix by Kjell Gustavsson and production by Surjo Benigh in Kjell’s studio, Släggan on Ekerö.
The musicians in the band have been in the business for a long time. Surjo Benigh, who plays bass and also has produced the record, has played with Ulf Lundell, Totta Näslund, Owe Thörnkvist, Stevie Klasson, Totta Näslund, Junior Watson, and Buddy Miller to name but a few. Kjell Gustavsson, who plays drums, also performs with his own band Kjell Gustavsson R&B Orchestra and with Bill Öhrström and Kenny Håkansson. Joakim Svalberg, who plays the keyboards also plays with Opeth.

Eric, I know you grew up with Clapton and the Blues. What else has been an inspiration?
– Classic rock music, like the Who, Stones and Dylan. John Mayer. Right now I’m listening to Stevie Winwood’s live record that came out a couple of years ago.
In what ways does the new record differ from the previous ones?
– The tracks on the new album, “I feel like crying”, are shorter and are characterized more by a song thinking, whereas the previous albums have been bluesier and jammier. I’ve been aiming for variation this time, not just blues!
How does a song come about?
- The first thing that happens is me playing guitar and maybe try some vocals. If I come up with anything worth keeping I try and capture it, in the most simple way, usually with my phone. If there seems to be something to build on, I work on it, maybe add a little keyboard or extra guitar.
– I use Logic. When doing demos, I often work with Logic’s own drums. After processing the song myselg for awhile I usually present the song to Surjo Benigh, who has produced a couple of my recent records. I explain what the song is meant to be about and what I want express and then he adds his thoughts and ideas. After that we present it to the rest of the band.
What was it like recording in the Omnivox studio?
– Even if you have good recording gear at home, there are places that offer something unique to the process. Omnivox is a very cozy studio! The atmosphere really invites creativity.