I got to know Jonas Bromander a few years ago on the basis that he works with business intelligence in his own company. He has written books on the subject. He is also an associate professor of religious sociology. We worked together on a project and got to talk about much more than what had to do with marketing for our common customer. Among other things, it turned out that he builds guitars.
100% hand built
I play guitar myself and got the chance to test a couple of his builds. Really a completely different dimension than I was used to! Great build quality throughout. Low string height, perfect intonation. And a dynamic that lets everything blossom between chord play and minimum string touch. Guitar building was not even then pure hobby level but needed to take a step step forward. I was chosen for profiling and together with Jonas created a logotype, website, printed matter, roll-ups etc. I also did a lot of photography and film.
Full speed ahead
Now it is taking off for Bromander Guitars! More and more people are discovering the difference. If you are a guitar player yourself, please check out if he is at any trade fair near you in the future. Or contact Jonas for a test play.
Build your own
You can also build your own guitar with Jonas help! Then you have full access to all Jonas’s expertise and are introduced step by step in the construction process. Great way to learn and to get an instrument specially made for your hands and playing style.
Here’s a link to a film we made: http://www.bromanderguitars.com/filosofi.html
Bromander Guitars on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bromanderguitars/